ABC, Easy as 123

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May 24th, 2012, Santarém, PA, — Two journalism students from Roger Williams University, Jillian Hamlin and Elizabeth Garretson whom make up Communications 430 Special Topics Team Macaw, visited the Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Prof. Aldo Ferreira Campos in the neighborhood of Alvorada in the city of Santarém, Para, Brazil on May 24th, 2012.  Led by Dr. Paola Prado, assistant professor of communication, the students interviewed the school director, Raquel Vital at 8:30 a.m., whom is 33 years old with a degree in teaching and nursing as well.

Although Director Vital is working on her Masters degree, she said, “My true dream is to move to America, where my children can have the best opportunity for a quality education.”

She informed the students about the history and mechanisms of the school system, as well as toured Team Macaw and Dr. Prado around the grounds from classroom to classroom.

Director Vital stated that while currently there are 60,000 students in the Santarém school system, their student body has more than doubled since the opening of the school eight months ago.  In September, school administrators went house to house and gathered 150 children to enroll.  This number jumped to 257 students in December, and now there are currently 377 students.  There are 4 classrooms used 3 times a day for 3 different age groups, including 6-8 years-olds from 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., 9-10 year-olds from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and 12-14 year-olds from 3:00 -7:00 p.m.  Also, at night there are adult literacy classes offered from 7:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. The number of students in each classroom range from 25-30 depending on the age group; however, the classrooms are close to capacity

School staff included 1 secretary, 3 teaching assistants, 1 chef and janitor position, which was fulfilled by the chef as well as a school board member designated to the school. Job requirements for the secretary position included monthly written reports on students’ behavior and class grades, as well as organizing PTA meetings to inform parents of their child’s overall progress. Teaching assistants help assist the teachers during class as well as contact parents whose children are not doing as well. The chef, Ana Lucia de Abreu , provides one meal a day, however, children whom are unable to eat breakfast before school are accounted for and fed twice.

The State Agency of Education employed Jackson Assis, a member of the school board, as the legal oversight for the school. Assis manages health violations by determining if the school’s water supply is clean, as well as sends dentists and doctors to examine the children’s’ health.  The most common health problem seen is poor dental hygiene, while the most common during the rainy season is Dengue Fever.

The school displays a strong sense of environmental awareness, which is integrated into the student’s education. Each classroom has a wall painting executed with funds from the State Agency of Education.  One depicted the flooding issue of Santarém, while another depicted cultural folklore of the forest with pink dolphins representing the Encantada and a young boy with backwards feet riding a wild hog representing the protector and overseer of the forest.  Also, the school holds numerous “Environmental Awareness Week” events meant to further instill this message in the students. On June 2, students will wear special uniforms, sing the national anthem, and learn about environmental issues as they celebrate Earth Day. Overall, the Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Prof. Aldo Ferreira Campos is a welcome asset in the neighborhood of Alvorada, providing education and health care for students in the squatter community.

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